ASA Bat Regulations

All Bats must be ASA approved!

(And Compression Tested)

Look for these markings on your bat.

2000 ASA Stamp     2004 ASA Stamp    2013 ASA Stamp

ASA Non-Approved Bat List (w/asa stamp)

IMG_9208IMG_9209 All bats used in ASA play for the Senior Divisions must be Official Softball Bats certified by the Amateur Softball Association (ASA) and / or marked BPF 1.21 or less. Bats must have their original paint markings for complete identification. These bats must still meet all other provisions of Rule 3 Section 1 and pass all bat inspections performed by the National Championship Finals Tournament Official. The Miken Ultra is not allowed (the Miken Ultra II is NOT allowed due to being on the BANNED list).

Bat MUST HAVE an SSUSA stamp.